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Network meeting

Network meetings are held twice a year for the exchange of network actors, which provide information about the activities in the network and in the workgroups and inform about current developments.

At past network meetings, keynote speeches by network actors or "external speakers" provided information on the following topics (selection):

  • Guidelines for user participation in the "phase zero" of municipal school construction
    Cooperation project between the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences and the state capital Potsdam
  • New construction of the vocational school centre in Mühldorf am Inn as an Efficiency House Plus (winner of the Federal Award ENVIRONMENT & BUILDING 2021)
  • Educational Buildings in the Efficiency House Plus Standard - Experiences from the Accompanying Research
    Greenhouse Gas Neutral Schools as a Contribution to Sustainable Development
  • Phase 0 - what is that actually?
  • Current information on circular building

The download area for presentations and information can be found in the internal area

Next dates for network meetings can be found here:
News > Network events > Network meetings

Registration: Internal area