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Flyer for the Network Sustainable Educational Buildings

Aktuelle Informationen | 04/18/2023

Flyer for the Network Sustainable Educational Buildings

Everything important can be found on the flyer of the network (German only). More

Baum vor einer Glasfassade

What does sustainable building involve?

The aim is to create future-oriented buildings that are climate-friendly, economical, of high quality and usable for a long time, as well as offering everyone a healthy and comfortable environment. More




The high school in Dresden South-West with the new construction of a three-field sports gym shows a combination of the application of the Assessment System for Sustainable Building  with regard to the…


Schmuttertal-Gymnasium in Augsburg

Schmuttertal-Gymnasium in Augsburg

The Schmuttertal-Gymnasium was implemented as a research building project with funding from the government of Swabia and the DBU as a PlusEnergy building and DGNB CLimate Positive 2020.



Uhlandschule Stuttgart

The Uhland School in Stuttgart, built in 1954, is the first PlusEnergy school in an existing building, which was achieved through extensive modernization.




Funded with funds
from the research initiative



Program of